Title:Del piquete a la tragedia : El diario La Nación, entre la crisis de 2001 y la llegada del kirchnerismo / From the picket to the tragedy. The newspaper La Nación, between the crisis of 2001 and the arrival of Kirchnerism
Title:¿Es realmente crítico del neoliberalismo el pensamiento de Byung-Chul Han?: el problema del presente como crisis sin salida : Is the thought of Byung-Chul Han really critical of neoliberalism?. The problem of present as a dead end crisis / Is the thought of Byung-Chul Han really critical of neoliberalism?. The problem of present as a dead end crisis
Title:El caso CONPI y la crítica al movimiento indígena en Colombia: aportes para repensar las luchas políticas contemporáneas / The CONPI case and the criticism of the indigenous movement in Colombia: contributions to rethink contemporary political struggles
Title:Didactics of ethics. The contribution of Mockus to governance in Colombia / Didáctica de la ética. El aporte de Mockus a la gobernabilidad en Colombia