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Academic resource integration

This tool is a new ISTEC service from LibLink initiative to all the ISTEC members. Its main goal is to support the dissemination of academic and cientific production from all member institutions.
Based on harvesting techniques, the software collects thousands of academic resources from different repositories, all of them under Open Access policies. Resources are then integrated, transformed to avoid heterogeneity issues, and then exposed to everyone.

This search and retrieval service, as well as the harvesting and integration software, were completely developed in PrEBi-SeDiCI.

LibLink initiative

The LibLink Initiative encourages the knowledge socialization through a network of qualified people and shared resources. The network is based on the interaction among all libraries belonging to the ISTEC' institutions. One of its most important goal is to share any kind of resources (research work, experiencies, etc), contributing to the development of knowledge.

For more information visit liblink.istec.org

PrEBi - SeDiCI

Proyecto de Enlace de Biobliotecas (PrEBi) and Servicio de Difusión de la Creación Intelectual (SeDiCI) are both projects born inside the National University of La Plata (UNLP). They were created to encourage the interaction and exchange of knowledge in all levels (local, regional and worldwide), looking for ways to expose and share UNLP's academic production and to establish cooperation links with other institutions around the world.
PrEBi and SeDiCi projects work together to help UNLP to rank better in the academic world, providing an increasing number of services to the scientific comunity and to the public in general, supporting research work and knowledge creation.

For more information visit prebi.unlp.edu.ar and sedici.unlp.edu.ar

Contact information

Desarrollado por el equipo de PREBI y del repositorio SEDICI de la UNLP.
(+54) (0221) 423-6696 extension 141
Street 115 y 49, S/N, 1st floor.
Basic Science department.
National University of La Plata
La Plata (C.P.: 1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina

How to include your repository

Any ISTEC Institution with a digital repository and an OAI Data Provider (resources of the repository exposed under the OAI-PMH protocol) can be included as a new information source.
If your institution meets these requirements, you only need to send an email to opac-istec@prebi.unlp.edu.ar with the following information:
  • Institution's name
  • Base URL of the OAI Data Provider