Title:Projects developed by older adults within the educational field : Analysis of a Program of Permanent Education of University Extension of the UNLP
Title:Permanence and dropout versus self-sufficiency of university students: A challenge in quality education / Permanencia y deserción versus autoeficacia de estudiantes universitarios: Un desafío de la calidad educativa
Title:Diseño de aplicación Android para la mejora de la ortografía y evaluación de su implementación en aulas de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato. / Design of Android application for the improvement of the spelling and evaluation of its implementation in Secondary Education and Baccalaureate classrooms
Title:The importance of education in the development of reading skills in the basic english learning in eighth year students of Huancavilca Fiscal School, zone 5, district 8, province of Guayas, canton Guayaquil, Rocafuerte Parish, Academic period 2015-2016 / Handbook focused on the implementation of educational technology with exercises aimed at developping reading skills