Title:From basic mechanisms to clinical applications in heart protection, new players in cardiovascular diseases and cardiac theranostics: meeting report from the third international symposium on “New frontiers in cardiovascular research”
Title:Detection of autoantibodies to vascular endothelial growth factor Receptor-3 in bile duct ligated rats and correlations with a panel of traditional markers of liver diseases
Title:Natura litterata: la naturaleza en la poesía hispánica medieval y su contexto latino y románico / Natura litterata. Nature in Medieval Hispanic Poetry, and its Latin and Romance Context
Title:"La Natura que cría todas las crïaturas”: una nota sobre la figura de Naturaleza en el "Libro de Alexandre" / 'La Natura que cría todas las crïaturas': A Note on the Figure of Nature in the Libro de Alexandre
Title:La naturaleza en "El paraíso" de Ambrosio de Milán: antecedentes antiguos y proyecciones en el ámbito hispánico / Nature in Ambrose of Milan’s The Paradise: Antecedents in Antiquity and Projections in Hispanic Context
Title:O homo viator no espaço da natureza: uma análise do Prólogo dos "Milagros de Nuestra Señora", de Gonzalo de Berceo / The Homo Viator in the Natural Space: A Study on the Prologue of Gonzalo de Berceo’s Milagros de Nuestra Señora
Title:El dominio sobre la Naturaleza: de la moderación escolástica al relativismo kantiano / Dominio over Nature: from the Scolastic Moderation to the kantian Relativism