Title:Low occurrence of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) as cause of abortion and perinatal mortality in Brazil / Baixa ocorrência de herpes-vírus equino 1 (HVE-1) como causa de abortamento e mortalidade perinatal no Brasil
Title:Reporte 1. Lo estratégico en la enseñanza de la UNLP (Gestión
2018-2022) : Planteo inicial / Report 1. The strategic in the teaching of UNLP (Management 2018-2022). Initial planting. / Relatório 1. A estratégia no ensino da UNLP (Gestão 2018- 2022). Plantio inicial.
Title:A broad diversity survey of Rhizoctonia species from the Brazilian Amazon reveals the prevalence of R. solani AG-1 IA on signal grass and the new record of AG-1 IF on cowpea and soybeans
Title:Estudio de seroprevalencia y de factores que afectan el nivel anticuerpos seroneutralizantes contra EHV-1 en equinos que participan en actividades hípico-deportivas en el Uruguay / Seroprevalence and factors that affect the level of seroneutralizing antibodies against EHV-1 in horses in Uruguay