Title:Identificación arqueométrica de una cuenta de collar recuperada en el megatúmulo funerario de Azefal-9/1 (Duguech, sureste del Sahara Occidental) / Archaeometric identification of a necklace bead recovered in the funerary megatumulus of Azefal-9/1 (Duguech, Southeast of Western Sahara)
Title:Cerámica y cronología de un poblado tipo pukara del Noroeste argentino, Rincón Chico 1 / Pottery and chronology of a pukara-type settlement in Northwestern Argentina, Rincón Chico 1
Title:Investigating the Possible Origin of Raman Bands in Defective sp(2)/sp(3) Carbons below 900 cm(-1): Phonon Density of States or Double Resonance Mechanism at Play?