Title:Interpretación del art. 34 inc. 1 del Código Penal Argentino a la luz de la Ley Nacional de Salud Mental: consecuencias : La situación de las personas con declaración de inimputabilidad en la provincia de Buenos Aires
Title:Therapeutic doses of plasma rich in growth factors cannot provoke cancer by means of the IGF-1 pathway or inflammation in dogs / José M. Vilar ... [et al.].
Title:A measurement of the calorimeter response to single hadrons and determination of the jet energy scale uncertainty using LHC Run-1 pp-collision data with the ATLAS detector
Title:Search for Dark Matter Produced in Association with a Higgs Boson Decaying to b‾b Using 36 fb-1 of pp Collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS Detector
Title:Search for new high-mass phenomena in the dilepton final state using 36 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector
Title:Measurement of the t¯tZ and t¯tW production cross sections in multilepton final states using 3.2 fb-1 a of pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector