Title:Alexis de Tocqueville sobre el pauperismo o las promesas incumplidas de la revolución democrática / Alexis de Tocqueville on pauperism or the unfulfilled promises of the democratic revolution
Title:The influence of audiovisual resources to reinforce the speaking skill. / Design of a didactic guide with audiovisual resources for reinforcing the speaking skill in the students of tenth year at Unidad Educativa Adolfo H. Simmonds
Title:Basic grammar structure in order to improve the writing skills in the students of eight year, Unidad Educativa Fiscal Francisco de Orellana, zona sur, parroquia Ximena, distrito 2, Ximena 2, provincia del Guayas, cantón Guayaquil, periodo lectivo 2016-2017 / Design of a didactic guide with basic grammar exercises
Title:Peace is much more than doves : the economic benefits of bird-based tourism as a result of the peace treaty in Colombia / La paz es mucho más que palomas : beneficios económicos del acuerdo de paz en Colombia, a partir del turismo de observación de aves
Title:Influence of short stories learning in the development of reading skill in the English language / Elaboration of a short stories booklet with values.