Title:Open access and multilingual approach to communication journals – the case and the editor’s perspective of Observatorio (OBS*) journal and the importance of open science for the knowledge society
Title:Knowledge and Society [António Firmino da Costa, Fernando Luís Machado, and Patricia Ávila (editors), 2009, Portugal in the European Context, vol. II, Lisbon, CIES, ISCTE-IUL, Celta Editora]
Title:John Dewey’s theory of democracy and its links with the heterodox approach to economics. / La teoría democrática de John Dewey y sus vínculos con el enfoque heterodoxo a la economía. [Inglés]
Title:Liver glycogen and glyceride glycerol formation as compared with glucose synthesis in 24h-starved virgin and pregnant rats / A. Zorzano and E. Herrera.