Title:¿Es posible un verdadero estado de derecho democrático? Jürgen Habermas y las aporías de la sociedad liberal. / Is it possible a true state based on the democratic rule of law? Jürgen Habermas and the aporias of the liberal society. [Spanish]
Title:Plack, N. (2009). Common Land, Wine and the French Revolution. Rural Society and Economy in Southern France, c.1789-1820 : Londres: Ashgate, 215 páginas
Title:Las personas con discapacidad: ¿los desempleados forzosos del capitalismo global? / People with disabilities: the forced unemployed of global capitalism? / Pessoas com deficiência: os desempregados forçados do capitalismo global?
Title:Monopoly capitalism during Nazi Germany and the violation of human rights / El capitalismo monopólico durante la Alemania nazi y la violación a los derechos humanos