Title:Indagando otras formas de organización social en el mundo precolombino: lógica del parentesco y lógica estatal en la sociedad inka, siglos XIV-XVI : Un ensayo de interpretación / Investigating other forms of social organization in the pre-columbian world: logic of the kinship and logic of state in the inka society, XIV-XVI centuries: an interpretative essay
Title:Agua dulce, minería y sociedad : El caso Pascua Lama y las políticas públicas argentinas / Fresh water, mining, and society. The Pascua Lama case and argentina's public policy
Title:"La estrategia del caracol" : El Neozapatismo: Insurgencia indígena y desobediencia civil / “The strategy of the snail”. The neozapatismo: Indian insurgency and civil disobedience
Title:Notes on imaginary and environmental risks: global warning between the apocalypse and marketing : Myths, narrative and the construction of imaginaries: the value of media communication during the times of global warming and sustainable development