Title:Caracterización experimental de lámparas fluorescentes compactas para el análisis armónico de sistemas de distribución de energía eléctrica / Experimental characterization of compact fluorescent lamps for harmonic analysis of power distribution systems
Title:Effect of the non-stationarity of rainfall events on the design of hydraulic structures for runoff management and its applications to a case study at Gordo Creek watershed in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Title:The burden of cardiovascular diseases among us states, 1990-2016 / La carga de las enfermedades cardiovasculares entre nosotros estados, 1990-2016
Title:Perceived age discrimination as a mediator of the association between income inequality and older people´s self-rated health in the European Region
Title:Experimental analysis and numerical validation of the solar Dish/Stirling system connected to the electric grid / Análisis experimental y validación numérica del sistema solar Dish / Stirling conectado a la red eléctrica.