Title:Maximum topological distances based indices as molecular descriptors for QSPR : 4. Modeling the enthalpy of formation of hydrocarbons from elements
Title:Modelización de la especiación y análisis de la biodisponibilidad de metales traza en agua : Caso de estudio: laguna Los Patos, Ensenada, Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina / Speciation modeling and bioavailability analysis of trace metals in water. Case study: Los Patos lagoon, Ensenada, Prov. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Title:Rapid prototyping of a complex model for the manufacture of plaster molds for slip casting ceramic / Prototipagem rápida de um modelo complexo para fabricação de moldes de gesso para barbotina cerâmica
Title:Experimental and theoretical investigation of the enantioselective hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate with a Pt catalyst with new non-cinchona chiral modifiers