Title:Aprender a enseñar juegos motores con otros : De saber jugar a intervenir como profesor de Educación Física / Learning to teach motor games with others. Of being able to play at intervening as a teacher of Physical Education
Title:Introducción : La evaluación de los aprendizajes como objeto de estudio y campo de prácticas / Introduction. Learning assessment as an object of study and a field of practicesDossier
Title:Before and after Twitter: Personal Learning Environments (e-conference on the use of PLE / PLN in English Language Teaching presented at
IATEFL Harrogate 2010)
Title:Nuevas miradas sobre la evaluación de los aprendizajes : Entrevista a Rebeca Anijovich / New visions of learning assessment. Interview with Rebeca AnijovichDossier : Learning assessment as an object of study and a field of practices