Title:Pedagogical games as a resource to develop speaking production in the english language / Design of a handbook that implements pedagogical games in the learning process to strengthen the communicative competences and stimulate the english learning in the tudents of 8th grade of the Unidad Educativa fiscal Veintiocho de Mayo
Title:Influence of short stories learning in the development of reading skill in the English language / Elaboration of a short stories booklet with values.
Title:When ignorance is bliss: theory and experiment on collective learning / Cuando la ignorancia es dicha: teoría y experimento sobre aprendizaje colectivo
Title:The importance of education in the development of reading skills in the basic english learning in eighth year students of Huancavilca Fiscal School, zone 5, district 8, province of Guayas, canton Guayaquil, Rocafuerte Parish, Academic period 2015-2016 / Handbook focused on the implementation of educational technology with exercises aimed at developping reading skills
Title:The influence of the family motivation in the englishlearning process / Guide with family motivation techniques for the improvement of the english learning