Title:Aplicación de ADDIE en el proceso de construcción de una herramienta educativa distribuida b-learning / Application of ADDIE in the process of building distributed educational tool b-learning
Title:Ecologías del aprendizaje y la contribución de las competencias informacionales: una reflexión teórica / Learning ecologies and the contribution of information skills: a theoretical reflection
Title:Revisión de metodologías para diseñar Objetos de Aprendizaje OA: un apoyo para docentes / Review of methodologies to design Learning Objects OA: a support for teachers
Title:Os quatro pilares educacionais no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de matemática / The Four Educational Pillars in the Teaching and Learning Process of Mathematics
Title:Utilização da Linguagem de Programação Scratch na Aprendizagem de Funções do 1º Grau / Use of the Scratch Programming Language for the Learning of 1st degree equations
Title:Carga cognitiva y aprendizaje con TIC: estudio empírico en estudiantes de química y física de secundaria / Cognitive load and Learning with ICT: an empirical study on Chemistry and Physics students from high school