Title:Sujetos políticos: teoría y epistemología : Un diálogo entre la teoría del discurso, el (re)constructivismo y la filosofía de la liberación en perspectiva latinoamericana / Political Subjects: Theory and Epistemology. A Dialogue Between the Discourse Theory, the (re) Constructivism and the Philosophy of Liberation from the Latin American Perspective
Title:Tras las huellas de Hegemón : Usos de hegemonía en la teoría política de Ernesto Laclau / Following the Tracks of Hegemon. The Uses of Hegemony in the Political Theory of Ernesto Laclau
Title:Entrepreneurship and Cultural Values in Latin America 1850-2000: From Modernization, National Values and Dependency Theory Towards a Business History Perspective
Title:Robust pathological voice detection based on component information from HMM / Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)