Title:A computational script that calculates the standardized precipitation index (spi) for latin america, using the climate hazards group infrared precipitation with station (chirps) data base and crossing the spi with two layers of spatial information: population density and land use
Title:Sistema de información para el manejo de la información socioeconomica del barrio el Verbenal / Information system for the management of socioeconomic information of el Verbenal neighborhood
Title:Formulación sistema de gestión de la seguridad de la información Sgsi en empresas dedicadas a la consultoría y el levantamiento de información / Formulation system of management of the security of the information Sgsi in companies dedicated to the consultancy and the survey of information
Title:Sistema de información web para la gestión de la Información de ventas y servicios en la Empresa Photolife Studio / Web information system for the management of sales information and services in the Company Photolife Studio
Title:Influence of activities focused on information gap task in the development of speaking skill / Design of a pamphlet with activities focused on information gap task