Title:Projects developed by older adults within the educational field : Analysis of a Program of Permanent Education of University Extension of the UNLP
Title:Formação inicial e iniciação a docência: uma análise a partir do subprojeto PIBID Educação Física / Inicial training and teaching introduction: an analysis based on the subproject PIBID Physical Education
Title:Espacios Conceptuales de Actuación Profesional: vivencia, práctica y entrenamiento / Conceptual Spaces of the Professional Performance of the Physical Education Teacher: experience, practice and training
Title:La educación como promesa de futuro: construcción de la subjetividad social / The education as promise of future: construction of the social subjectivity
Title:Imagen y educación: reflexiones acerca de un objeto de estudio, el recorrido transitado y algunas anticipaciones / Image and Education. Reflections about a Study Object, the Transited Trail and some Anticipation
Title:Relaciones entre aprendizaje y desarrollo: modelos teóricos e implicancias educativas: agenda de problemas epistémicos, políticos, éticos en el cruce de fronteras entre psicología y educación / The relationship between learning and development: theoretical models and educational implications. Agenda of epistemic, political and ethical problems, crossing the boundaries between Psychology and Education
Title:Formarse para…formarse con…: la formación del ingeniero agrónomo en relación con el otro / Training to become...training with...The education of an agronomist in relation to others