Title:Vías para la educación : efecto de la infraestructura vial en los resultados educativos (2005-2015) / Roads to education : impact of road infrastructure on education (2005 - 2015)
Title:Estilos de aprendizagem e permanência no ensino superior a distância: licenciatura em educação da Universidade Aberta / Learning styles and Permanence in distance higher education: degree in education of the Universidade Aberta
Title:¿Qué imagen de la ciencia manejan los futuros maestros de Infantil y Primaria? / What image of science maintain the future teachers of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education?
Title:The expansion of higher education in Colombia : bad students or bad programs? / La expansión de la educación superior en Colombia : ¿Malos estudiantes o malos programas?
Title:Apoyo en las líneas de educación ambiental comunitaria y gestión social articulada de la subdirección educativa y cultural del Jardín Botánico “José Celestino Mutis”, para contribuir a la apropiación social del conocimiento sobre la biodiversidad presente en el distrito capital / Support in the lines of environmental community education and articulated social management of the educational and cultural subdirection of the Botanical Garden "José Celestino Mutis", to contribute to the social appropriation of knowledge about biodiversity present in the capital district
Title:Projects developed by older adults within the educational field : Analysis of a Program of Permanent Education of University Extension of the UNLP
Title:Propuesta de plan de apoyo a la subdirección educativa y cultural del Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis “JBJCM”, para orientar procesos de educación ciudadana en el mejoramiento del ambiente / Proposal of support plan for the educational and cultural subdirection of the Botanical Garden Of Bogotá José Celestino Mutis "JBJCM", To guide citizen education processes in the improvement of the environment
Title:Formação inicial e iniciação a docência: uma análise a partir do subprojeto PIBID Educação Física / Inicial training and teaching introduction: an analysis based on the subproject PIBID Physical Education