Title:Las bondades del software libre en el proceso de enseñanza – aprendizaje en la educación media / The benefits of free software in the teaching - learning process in secondary
Title:Identidad y naturaleza de la asignatura de Religión en las enseñanzas obligatorias del sistema educativo español del siglo XXI / Identity and nature of the subject of religion in the compulsory education of the 21st century Spanish education system
Title:Seguridad en prácticas de andinismo: formación docente en Educación Física / Safety in the mountaineering practices: training in Physical Education
Title:Innovative public policies in the development of reading skills in basic education: regarding the systematic mapping protocol / Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality
Title:Fundamentos filosóficos de una propuesta de reforma de la educación superior / Philosophical Foundation of a proposal to reform university education
Title:O estágio supervisionado e a educação física no ensino fundamental: contribuições para a formação profisional / Supervised training and physical education in elementary school: contributions to the professional formation