Title:Implementación de modelo pedagógico para integrar TIC en el tercer nivel de educación parvularia / Implementation of pedagogical model to integrate ICT in the third level of Early Childhood Education
Title:La cuestión tecnológica en los planes de estudio de la carrera de Bibliotecología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata: aproximaciones críticas desde los documentos y la mirada de los actores / The technology question through the curriculum of the Library Career at the National University of La Plata. Critical approaches from the documents and the perspectives of the actors
Title:La relación de los ingresantes de ciencias aplicadas con el saber tecnológico / The relationship between applied sciences novice students and technological knowledge
Title:Engenharia didática de formação (EDF): uma proposta de situação didática do ENEM com o uso do software GeoGebra para professores de matemática no Brasil / Didactic engineering of training (EDF): a proposal of ENEM didactic situation with the use of GeoGebra software for mathematics teachers in Brazil