Title:Comparación de prácticas en salud sexual y reproductiva entre estudiantes de Ciencias de la Salud y de ingeniería de una institución de educación superior en Bogotá, Colombia, 2008 / Comparison of sexual and reproductive health practices between students of health sciences and students of engineering in a higher education institution in Bogotá, Colombia, 2008
Title:Escuela y Familia: Los Actores del Proceso Educativo en el Contexto de la Crisis Escolar Actual / School And Family: Stakeholders in the Education Process in the Context of Current School Crises
Title:El Juego y El Arte: Una Experiencia Sensible hacia una Educación para la Primera Infancia / The Game and The Art: A Sensible Experience towards an Early Childhood Education
Title:Proposta curricular do Estado de São Paulo : olhares sobre a dança no contexto da educação fisica escolar / Curriculum propose of the State of São Paulo: looks about dance in the context of school physical education