Title:La escolarización de un menor en un colegio de educación especial y la supuesta vulneración de los derechos a la igualdad y a la educación : comentario a la STC 10-2014, de 27 de enero (RTC 2014, 10) = Schooling of a minor in a special education center and the alleged violation of the rights to equality and education : comment on STC no. 10-2014, of january 27 (RTC 2014, 10) / Alfonso Martínez-Carbonell López. / Schooling of a minor in a special education center and the alleged violation of the rights to equality and education : comment on STC no. 10-2014, of january 27 (RTC 2014, 10)
Title:Design, construction and evaluation of a dual device with cellular / satellite coverage for mobile asset tracking technology transfer through / Diseño, construcción y evaluación de un dispositivo dual con cobertura celular/satelital mediante transferencia tecnológica
Title:We don`t need no education. Repensar la educación en la era de los medios sociales / We don’t need no education. Rethinking education in the age of social media.
Title:La Educación Física y las TIC como herramientas para la mejora de la comunicación en la educación / Physical Education and ICTs as tools to improve communication in Education
Title:Una aproximación al mundo de los NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) / An approach to the world of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
Title:Uno sguardo al mondo dei NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) / An approach to the world of NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training)
Title:Educación ambiental hoy: Crisis ambiental y de valores sociales. El papel de la educación social / Environmental Education today: Environmental and social values crisis. The role of social education