Title:Experiencia en el rediseño curricular del programa en contaduría pública y alta dirección: una visión de la profesión contable hacia la tercera década del siglo XXI / The Experience in the re-design of the Accounting and Senior Management Program: a vision of accouintinng profession into the third decade of XXI century.
Title:Acercándonos a la interculturalidad desde una visión integradora del currículo: los cuentos como tópico articulador / Approaching interculture from an integrative sight of the curriculum: the stories like joining topic
Title:Development of free sugar white chocolate, suitable for diabetics, using Stevia and sucralose as sweeteners: study of the thermal degradation kinetic
Title:Multi-output model with box-jenkins operators of quadratic indices for prediction of malaria and cancer inhibitors targeting ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (UPP) proteins
Title:Introducción: Imperio poroso y redes sociales: del espacio local al mundo global / Introduction: Porous empire and social network: from local sphere to local world