Title:Estudio de la interferencia producida por Clostridium piliforme en ratones N:NHI(S)-nu transplantados con la línea tumoral A 549 / Study of the interference produced by Clostridium piliforme IN NIH(S)nu in mice transplanted with the tumor line A549
Title:Influencia de contaminaciones causadas por microorganismos oportunistas en ratones de la cepa BALB/c.Fox1nu transplantada con la línea tumoral humana A549 / Influence contamination caused by opportunist microorganisms in BALB/c.Fox1nu mice transplanted with the human tumor line A549
Title:Productos naturales que son potenciales inhibidores de neoplasias de cuello uterino / Natural products reported as potential inhibitors of uterine cervical neoplasia
Title:Expression of a suicidal gene under control of the human secreted protein acidic and rich in cysteine (SPARC) promoter in tumor or stromal cells led to the inhibition of tumor cell growth