Title:A integração curricular na concepção dos docentes do curso técnico em agropecuária integrado ao ensino médio / CURRICULUM INTEGRATION IN THE CONCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS OF THE AGRICULTURAL TECHNICAL COURSE ARTICULATED TO HIGH SCHOOL
Title:Aprendizagem baseada em projetos e formação de professores: uma possibilidade de articulação entre as dimensões estratégica, humana e sócio-política da didática / Learning based on projects and teachers education: an articulation possibility between strategy, human and socio politics dimensions of didactic
Title:El origen de la relación entre ciencia, tecnología y Estado en el Ecuador / The origin of the relationship betweens science, technology and the State of Ecuador
Title:Territorios posibles y utopías reales : Aportes a las teorías de la transformación: inteligencia territorial y justicia territorial / Possible Territories and Real Utopias :: Contributions to the Theories of Transformation: Territorial Intelligence and Territorial Justice
Title:Reflections on the aims of science teaching social sciences and CTS / Reflexiones sobre las finalidades de la enseñanza de las ciencias, las ciencias sociales y CTS