Title:Jóvenes y representaciones sociales sobre la foto de perfil en Facebook / Adolescents and social representations about the profile picture on Facebook
Title:Análise do perfil dos corredores e eventos de corridas de rua da cidade de Curitiba-PR / Analysis of the profile of the runners and events of running of the city of Curitiba-PR
Title:Caracteristicas dos corredores de rua: um mapeamento dos participantes da 41ª Prova Rústica Tiradentes / Characteristics of the street runners: a mapping of the 41st Prova Rústica Tiradentes's participants
Title:Comment on Avila-Serrano et al. “Sediment variations and littoral transport at La Victoria Beach, Cádiz, Spain” / Comentario sobre Avila-Serrano et al. “Variaciones sedimentarias y transporte litoral en Playa de la Victoria, Cádiz, España”
Title:Comprensiones narrativas de los factores asociados al desempeño académico en estudiantes de Boyacá, Colombia / Narrative understanding of factors associated with academic performance in students of Boyacá, Colombia