Title:Sobre combates e defesas do corpo na modernidade líquida: a radicalização dos conselhos privatizados para o indivíduo saudável / On fights and defenses regarding the body in liquid modernity: the radicalization of privatized advice for healthy individual
Title:Desde el muro: una mirada a los discursos proyectados por el cuerpo en Facebook / From the wall, an insight into the discourses expressed by the body on Facebook
Title:A presença da fenomenologia na educação física brasileira: implicações para o estudo do corpo e outras problematizações : The presence of phenomenology in physical education in Brazil: implications for the study of the body and other problematizations
Title:Las fronteras cambiantes entre lo político y lo social: aportes etnográficos al debate en torno de “el 2001” en Argentina / The changing limits between the political and the social: ethnographic contributions to the debate about “el 2001” in Argentina
Title:La Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento (UNGS): Entre el paternalismo y la politización / The National University of General Sarmiento (UNGS): between Paternalism and Politicization
Title:Participación estudiantil en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba durante la transición democrática: legados y desafíos / Student Participation in the National University of Córdoba during the Democratic Transition: Legacies and Challenges