Title:Avaliação histológica da pele após exposição à gel acrescido de hialuronidase associado ou não a ultra-som / Histological evaluation of the skin after exposition to the gel increased of hyaluronidase associated
or not to ultrasound
Title:La trepanación vertebral como un método alternativo para la inoculación intraparenquimatosa de diversas suspensiones dentro de la médula espinal / Vertebral Trepanation as an Alternative Method for Intraparenchymal Delivery of Suspensions into the Spinal Cord
Title:From oviparity to viviparity: a preliminary note on the morphometric differentiation between oviparous and viviparous species assigned to the genus Liolaemus (Reptilia, Squamata, Liolaemidae) / Von der Oviparie zur Viviparie: Eine vorläufige Mitteilung zur morphometrischen Differenzierung zwischen den der Gattung Liolaemus zugeordneten oviparen und viviparen, Arten (Reptilia, Squamata, Tropiduridae)