Title:Regional journalism and social conflicts. Analysis of the opinions of the newspapers Correo and Los Andes from Puno (Perú) during the social conflict of “Aimarazo” (2011) / Periodismo regional y conflictos sociales. Análisis de las opiniones de los diarios Correo y Los Andes de Puno (Perú) durante el conflicto social del “Aimarazo" (2011)
Title:La ideología sobre lo agrario de los productores rurales bonaerenses (2013) / The ideology about the agrarian of the farmers of Buenos Aires province (2013)
Title:Pseudopolítica en la red: indicadores discursivos de desideologización en Twitter / Pseudopolitics in the net-work: discursive features of deideologization on twitter / Pseudopolitique sur le web: caractéristiques discursi-ves de desidéologisation sur twitter
Title:Dancer body and queer theories in the choreographic contemporary stage: a political approach to the body in tattoo de frédéric jollivet and sara martinet / Corpo dançante e teorias queer na cena coreográfica contemporânea: uma aproximação política ao corpo em Tattoo de Frédéric Jollivet e Sara Martinet