Title:From basic mechanisms to clinical applications in heart protection, new players in cardiovascular diseases and cardiac theranostics: meeting report from the third international symposium on “New frontiers in cardiovascular research”
Title:Detection of autoantibodies to vascular endothelial growth factor Receptor-3 in bile duct ligated rats and correlations with a panel of traditional markers of liver diseases
Title:Comunicación y deporte: un campo integrador para el análisis del fenómeno deportivo / Communication and sport: an integrative field for analysis of the sport phenomenon
Title:Representaciones sociales sobre la(s) sexualidad(es) de los y las jóvenes : El caso de la Escuela de Enseñanza Media N° 3 «Lola Mora» de Berisso / Social representations of the sexuality of young people :: The case of Middle School No. 3 «Lola Mora» of Berisso
Title:Community participation and communication processes in the implementation of programs of resettlement of families within the context of urban development in the city of Barranquilla