Title:Determinación de la competitividad de la PYME en el nivel micro: el caso de del Distrito Federal, México / Determining the competitiveness of SMEs in the micro level: The case of the Federal District, Mexico
Title:Análisis Comparativo Entre Los Programas De Ingeniería Topográfica Y Fotogramétrica Del Instituto Politécnico Nacional De México Y Tecnología En Topografía De La Universidad Distrital Francisco José De Caldas. / Comparative analysis of engineering programs photogrammetric surveying and the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico And Technology in topography of the District University of Bogotá .
Title:La estrategia factor determinante del rendimiento de la MIPYME: Un estudio empírico en México, D.F / Strategy, Performance Determining Factor of MSMEs: An Empirical Study in Mexico City
Title:El cooperativismo y la financiación agrícola en Baja California, México (1930-1950) / The Cooperativism and Agricultural Credit in Baja California, Mexico (1930-1950)
Title:Adding figure procedural separation of trials under the Law in Mexico / Adición de la figura procesal separación de juicios a la Ley de Amparo en México
Title:Survey of 218 organic contaminants in groundwater derived from the world's largest untreated wastewater irrigation system: Mezquital Valley, Mexico
Title:Survey of 218 organic contaminants in groundwater derived from the world's largest untreated wastewater irrigation system: Mezquital Valley, Mexico