Title:La equiparación entre los derechos de vecino y de natural en España (Siglos XVII al XIX) / The equation between rights and natural neighbor Spain (seventeenth to nineteenth centuries)
Title:Do perigo alemão à ameaça soviética: Portugal e o novo ambiente securitário do segundo pós-guerra (1945-1959) / From the German danger to the Soviet threat: Portugal and the new securitarian environment of the post-Second World War period (1945-1959)
Title:First data of Iberian Nematomorpha, with redescription of Gordius aquaticus Linnaeus, G. plicatulus Heinze, Gordionus wolterstorffii (Camerano) and Paragordius tricuspidatus (Dufour)
Title:Gibraltar, Controles en la verja y Nuevo diálogo AD HOC: La UE se involucra en la controversia. / Gibraltar, Controls at the gate and New AD HOC dialogue: The EU gets involved in the controversy.
Title:El «fluido eléctrico» del teatro en la Guerra de la Independencia y las Cortes: la teatralización de la historia y la política / The electrical fluid of the theatre in the Independence war and the Courts of Cádiz: history and politics theatralized
Title:Militares republicanos en la Restauración: de la rebelión al exilio (1883-1891) / Military republicans under monarchical restoration: from rebellion to exile (1883-1891)