Title:Paleoecology and paleoenvironments of Podocarp trees in the Ameghino Petrified forest (Golfo San Jorge Basin, Patagonia, Argentina) : Constraints for early Paleogene paleoclimate
Title:Cartas para Florentino desde la Patagonia : Crónica de la correspondencia édita entre los hermanos Ameghino (1887-1902) / Letters to Florentino from Patagonia: Chronicle of the published correspondence between the Ameghino brothers (1887-1902)
Title:Los Metatheria sudamericanos de comienzos del Neógeno (Mioceno Temprano, Edad mamífero Colhuehuapense): Microbiotheria y Polydolopimorphia / South american metatherians from the begining of the Neogene (early Miocene, colhuehuapian land–mammal age): Microbiotheria and polydolopimorphia