Title:Muertes por violencias en Argentina : Dos estudios de caso en los Municipios de Venado Tuerto y San Rafael / Violence-related deaths in Argentina: two case studies in the cities of Venado Tuerto and San Rafael
Title:La(s) violencia(s) y la democracia como conceptos co-dependientes: el caso argentino / Violence and democracy as linked concepts: the Argentine case
Title:Dime quién lo define y te diré si es violento : Reflexiones sobre la violencia obstétrica / Diga-me por quem é definido e vou dizer se é violento: uma reflexão sobre a violência obstétrica / Tell me by whom is defined and I’ll tell if it is violent: a reflection on obstetric violence
Title:Jóvenes, policía y estigmatización territorial en la periferia de Buenos Aires / Youth, Police and Territorial Stigmatization in the Outskirts of Buenos Aires
Title:Una aproximación a las relaciones entre policías y jóvenes en América Latina / A bibliographical Essay on the Relationships between Police Forces and the Youth in Latin America