Title:Pomacea canaliculata (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in Patagonia: potential role of climatic change in its dispersion and settlement / Pomacea canaliculata (Mollusca, Gastropoda) na Patagônia: o papel potencial da mudança climática em sua dispersão e estabelecimento
Title:Using hospitalization rates to track the economic costs and benefits of improved diabetes care in the Americas : A proposal for health policy makers
Title:Cifras del retroceso: el deterioro relativo de la tasa de mortalidad infantil de Argentina en la segunda mitad del Siglo XX / Data of a Regression: The Relative Deterioration of the Infant Mortality Rate of Argentina in the Second Half of the XX Century
Title:Política fiscal y política sanitaria: tensiones evidentes a partir de los criterios de reparto de la masa coparticipable y los métodos de determinación de transferencia / Fiscal policy and sanitary policy: evident tensions from the criteria of distribution of the co-participable mass and methods of determination of transference
Title:Un hombre afortunado : Autor: John Berger, Buenos Aires: Alfaguara; 2008. 192 Páginas. Traducción: Pilar Vázquez / A fortunate man: the story of a country doctor