Title:Uso sustentable de los recursos hídricos y edáficos para riego complementario de maíz y soja en la Cuenca del Río Arrecifes, provincia de Buenos Aires / Sustainable use of water and soil resources for complementary irrigation of corn and soybean in the Arrecifes Basin, Buenos Aires Province
Title:Atributos físicos do solo e matéria orgânica sob dois manejos e efeito residual da aplicação de calcário e gesso agrícola / Physical attributes and organic matter of a soil cultivated with corn under two managements and residual effect of limestone and gypsum
Title:El avance de los agronegocios en regiones marginales del agro pampeano: concentración de la producción y tensiones entre las fracciones del capital agrario / The advance of agribusiness in marginal regions of the pampean agriculture: concentration of production and tensions between fractions of agrarian capital
Title:Experimental and theoretical investigation of the enantioselective hydrogenation of ethyl pyruvate with a Pt catalyst with new non-cinchona chiral modifiers
Title:Comment on "Structural and vibrational studies on 1-(5-Methyl- [1,3,4] thiadiazol-2-yl)-pyrolidin-2-ol" [Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 152 (2016) 252-261] : The importance of intramolecular OH ⋯ N hydrogen bonding in the conformational properties of thiadiazol-pyrrolidin-2-ol bearing species
Title:Evaluación del impacto antrópico sobre la calidad del agua del arroyo Las Piedras,
Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina / Assessment of anthropogenic impact on water quality of the stream Las Piedras, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina / Avaliação do impacto antropogénico na qualidade da água do riacho Las Piedras, Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina