Title:Geochemistry of a Triassic dyke swarm in the North PatagonianMassif, Argentina. Implications for a postorogenic event of thePermian Gondwanide orogeny
Title:Vigencias políticas del disenso artístico: sobre el conceptualismo neo-vanguardista de Alberto Greco y la performatividad de su Vivo Dito / Political persistencyi of artistic dissent: About the neo-avant-garde conceptualism of Alberto Greco and performativity of his Vivo Dito
Title:La Ley de Semillas en Argentina: la disputa por el control y el futuro de la agricultura / The Seed Law in Argentina: The Dispute for the Control and Future of Agriculture / A Lei de Sementes na Argentina: o diferendo sobre o controlo e o futuro da agricultura
Title:Sociabilidades, redes y circulación de saberes en la conformación de un “ámbito psi” en la Argentina de entreguerras (Santa Fe, 1919-1943) / Sociabilities, networks and the circulation of knowledges in the creation of a “psy scope” in Argentina during the inter-war period (Santa Fe, 1919-1943)