Title:Geochemistry of a Triassic dyke swarm in the North PatagonianMassif, Argentina. Implications for a postorogenic event of thePermian Gondwanide orogeny
Title:Evidence for early Pliocene and late Miocene transgressions in southern Patagonia (Argentina): 87Sr/86Sr ages of the pectinid "Chlamys" actinodes (Sowerby)
Title:Growth morphologies and plausible stressors ruling the formation of Late Pleistocene lacustrine carbonate buildups in the Maquinchao Basin (Argentina)
Title:Contenido de arsénico en descargas geotermales y travertinos asociados en el Sistema Domuyo, Neuquén / Arsenic content in geothermal discharges and associated travertines in the Domuyo System, Neuquén
Title:Hidroquímica del agua superficial y subterránea de los alrededores de las lagunas Carri Laufquen / Surface and groundwater hydrochemistry of the sourroundigs of the Lagunas Carri Laufquen