Title:First records of coalescence and hypomerism in Tonicia atrata (Polyplacophora, Chitonidae) in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean / Primeros registros de coalescencia e hipomerismo en Tonicia atrata (Polyplacophora, Chitonidae) en el Océano Atlántico sudoccidental
Title:Growth morphologies and plausible stressors ruling the formation of Late Pleistocene lacustrine carbonate buildups in the Maquinchao Basin (Argentina)
Title:Early Ordovician conodonts from the Santa Rosita Formation at Pantipampa, Iruya area, northwestern Argentina / Conodontes del Ordovícico temprano de la Formación Santa Rosita en Pantipampa, área de Iruya, Noroeste Argentino
Title:Effects of the fungus Pestalotiopsis maculans (Ascomycota: Amphisphaeriales) on the gametophytic development of the fern Lygodium venustum (Lygodiaceae)