Title:First description of the breeding nest of Irenomys tarsalis, a sigmodontine rodent endemic to southern Andean forests / Primera descripción del nido de Irenomys tarsalis, un roedor sigmodontino endémico de los bosques subandinos
Title:Pomacea canaliculata (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in Patagonia: potential role of climatic change in its dispersion and settlement / Pomacea canaliculata (Mollusca, Gastropoda) na Patagônia: o papel potencial da mudança climática em sua dispersão e estabelecimento
Title:New host records and geographic distribution of species of Trichuris (Nematoda: Trichuriidae) in rodents from Argentina with an updated summary of records from America / Nuevos registros hospedatorios y de distribución geográfica de Trichuris (Nematoda: Trichuriidae) de roedores de Argentina con un resumen actualizado de los registros en América
Title:The Preservation of the Solar Potential in Cities of Hispanic Trace : Analysis of the Current Situation, and Future Potential in Urban Areas of Argentina