Title:Hacia Una Aproximación A La Comprensión Del Impacto Del Proyecto 891: “Educación Media Fortalecida Y Mayor Acceso A La Educación Superior” Una Muestra De 30 Colegios De Bogotá. / Towards an approach to understanding the impact of Project 891 : "Media Education Strengthened and increased access to higher education," a 30- Bogota schools .
Title:Programa pedagógico interactivo para la reforestación ambiental de la EUN Policarpa Salavarrieta / Interactive pedagogical program for the environmental reforestation of the EUN Policarpa Salavarrieta
Title:Mapeo de las políticas públicas vinculadas a la ESS en Uruguay (2015): Una perspectiva sobre su naturaleza y orientaciones a diez años de la asunción del gobierno progresista / Mapping of public policies related to the sse in Uruguay (2015). A perspective on its nature and orientations ten years after the assumption of the progressive government
Title:Evaluation of the effectiveness of clinical and radiographic analysis for the diagnosis of proximal caries for different clinical experience levels: comparing lesion depth through histological analysis
Title:Use of etoricoxib and dexamethasone for postoperative pain prevention and control in mucogingival surgery - A randomized parallel double-blind clinical trial