Title:A new species of Hammerschmidtiella Chitwood, 1932 (Nematoda, Thelastomatidae) parasite of the brown cockroach Periplaneta brunnea Burmeister, 1838 (Blattodea, Blattidae) from Argentina
Title:A new species of the genus Cranifera Kloss, 1960 (Thelastomatidae, Nematoda) parasitizing larvae of Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) from Argentina / Uma nova espécie do gênero Cranifera Kloss, 1960 (Thelastomatidae, Nematoda) parasitando larvas de Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) da Argentina
Title:The caudal bursa in the Heligmonellidae (Nematoda: Trichostrongylina): Characterization and hypothesis on its evolution / Le pattern de la bourse caudale chez les Heligmonellidae (Nematoda: Trichostrongylina): Caractérisation et hypothèse sur son évolution