Title:Resultados de un conjunto de intervenciones integradas para reducir la diarrea y el riesgo entomológico para dengue en las escuelas rurales del municipio de Apulo, Cundinamarca, Colombia / Results of a Set of Integrated Interventions to Reduce Diarrhea and Dengue Entomological Risk in Rural Schools in the Municipality of Apulo, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Title:Impact of short-term temperature challenges on the larvicidal activities of the entomopathogenic watermold Leptolegnia chapmanii against Aedes aegypti, and development on infected dead larvae
Title:Lista de especies y clave ilustrada para la identificación de larvas de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) halladas criando en recipientes artificiales en Uruguay / List of species, biological data and illustrated key to the identification of mosquito larvae (Diptera: Culicidae) found in artificial breeding in Uruguay