Title:Agricultura, cultura del oasis y megaminería en Mendoza. Debates y disputas / Agriculture, oasis´ culture and mega-mining in Mendoza. Debates and disputes
Title:Distribucion de la tortuga terrestre Geochelone chilensis (Gray) en la provincia de Mendoza / Distribution of the Terrestrial Turtle Geochelone Chilensis (Gray) in the Province of Mendoza
Title:Isla de calor urbana. Efecto sobre la distribución de los grados día de calefacción y refrigeración en el área metropolitana del Gran Mendoza : Informe de avance
Title:La Escuela Mixta de Enfermeros de 1942: una apuesta a la profesionalización de la enfermería en Mendoza / The Mixed School of Nurses of 1942: a commitment to the professionalization of nursing in the province of Mendoza
Title:Violencia paraestatal en Mendoza y Bahía Blanca (1973-1976): un enfoque comparativo / Parastatal Violence in Mendoza and Bahía Blanca (1973-1976). A Comparative Approach
Title:Evaluation of terrain corrections through FFT and classical integration in two selected areas of the andes and their impact on geoidal heights / avaliação das correções do terreno através da FFT e da integração clássica em duas áreas selecionadas dos andes e do seu impacto sobre a altura geoidal
Title:Cladistic reanalysis and historical biogeography of the genus Lycinus Thorell, 1894 (Araneae: Mygalomorphae: Nemesiidae) with description of two new species from western Argentina