Title:Claves para pensar en la construcción de un objeto de investigación complejo: decisiones teórico-metodológicas en un abordaje multimétodo sobre niños/as, adolescentes y jóvenes que trabajan en la calle (La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina) / Keys to think about building a complex object of research: theoretical and methodological decisions in a multi-method approach about children, adolescents and young people who work on the streets
Title:Reconfigurações institucionais nos mercados agroalimentares: a construção dos Regulamentos de Uso das Indicações Geográficas para vinhos no Brasil / Institutional reconfigurations in the agro-food markets: the construction of the Code of Practices of Brazilian wine Geographical Indications
Title:Tres modelos en la construcción estatal de la prensa periódica argentina / Three models in the state construction of the periodic Argentine press