Title:¿were the mobile care centers for drug addicts (CAMAD) a viable solution of management and planning? / ¿Fueron los centros de atención móvil para drogodependientes (CAMAD) una solución viable de gestión y planificación? / ¿les centres mobiles de soins pour toxicomanes (CAMAD) constituaient-ils une solution viable de gestion et de planification? / ¿os centros móveis de cuidados para toxicodependentes (CAMAD) eram uma solução viável de gestão e planeamento?
Title:Melhoramento da eficiência e gestão das explorações de bovinos de carne em Portugal / Improving efficiency and management of beef cattle farms in Portugal
Title:Reporte 6. Lo estratégico en la administración y la gestión de la
UNLP (Gestión 2018-2022) : Planteo inicial / Report 6. The strategic in the administration and management of UNLP (Management 2018-2022). Initial planting. / Relatório 6. A estratégia na administração e gestão da UNLP (Gestão 2018-2022). Plantio inicial
Title:Aprendizagem profissional de gestores de federações esportivas catarinenses no ambiente educacional / Professional learning of catarinenses sports federation managers in the educational space
Title:Relación entre la confianza hacia la publicidad y la lealtad hacia la marca / Relationship between the trust toward the advertising and the loyalty toward the brand
Title:Personal Branding como elemento diferenciador, en la figura de los docentes de Instituciones de Educación Superior en Latinoamérica / Personal Branding as a differentiating element, in the figure of teachers of Higher Education Institutions in Latin America
Title:Revolución de Mayo e Independencia argentina: forma y contenido en las marcas Bicentenario / May Revolution and Argentine Independence: Form and Content in the Bicentennial Brands