Title:IODP workshop: developing scientific drilling proposals for the Argentina Passive Volcanic Continental Margin (APVCM) – basin evolution, deep biosphere, hydrates,
sediment dynamics and ocean evolution
Title:Comparative study of urban development and groundwater condition in coastal areas of Buenos Aires, Argentina / Estudio comparativo del desarrollo urbano y las condiciones del agua subterránea en zonas costeras de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Title:Tectonic evolution of the Neoproterozoic Tandilia sedimentary cover, Argentina: New evidence of contraction and extensional events in the southwest Gondwana margin
Title:Last interglacial sea-level highstand deduced from notches and inner margins of marine terraces at Puerto Deseado, Santa Cruz Province, Argentina / Niveles altos del mar durante el Último Máximo Interglacial deducidos mediante muescas de abrasión y márgenes internos de terrazas marinas en Puerto Deseado, Provincia de Santa Cruz, Argentina
Title:Internal structure of the Late Triassic Central Patagonian batholith at Gastre, southern Argentina: implications for pluton emplacement and the Gastre fault system