Title:¿Almacenar o construir memoria? La educación patrimonial y el pensamiento crítico / Store or build memory? Heritage education and critical thinking
Title:Autonomy-connectedness in collectivistic cultures: an exploratory cross-cultural study among Portuguese natives, Cape-Verdean and Chinese people residing in Portugal
Title:Entre lo propio y lo ajeno: Modulaciones identitarias fronterizas en Pedro Almodóvar, Eduardo Mendicutti y Luis Antonio de Villena / Betweeen the self and the other: Border identities and its modulations in Pedro Almodóvar, Eduardo Mendicutti and Luis Antonio de Villena
Title:Aportes de perspectivas analíticas sobre performance, performatividad, cuerpo y afecto para la comprensión de la producción de sujetos generizados en la escuela / Contributions of analytical perspectives on performance, performativity, body and affection for understanding the production of gendered subjects at school